Wednesday, June 07, 2006

frenzy Wednesday

I haven't been in a real rollercoaster, however, I can just imagine the maddening twists and turns of the ride. That's exactly how I would describe the last few days. A roller coaster of emotions, so to speak. I have always been afraid of rollercoasters and perhaps I would never be convinced to ever ride in one, not anytime soon. However, I felt the fury of ups and downs (and the upside-downs), the twirls and spins of a rollercoaster in the last few days.

In a moment of misery, it would be easy to say I feel lost. I am a lost soul. However, it keenly feels like hampered yet aware of everything else while being tossed and turned like a sack of potatoes. Or maybe not. It certainly feels like being shot high up and then back down again before I could bat an eyelash. It's madness!

However, if this were a rollercoaster ride, I know it will cease at some point, and this turbulent ride will end. And I know, I'd still be whole and I would pull around after I get off from it. And I'm lucky because I have a hand to hold while in this flurrying ride. Eso es la belleza verdadera de vida.

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